Young Adult Retreat
Our Young Adult retreat gives space to a unique group of young caregivers between the ages of 18-25, giving them space to connect, learn and support one another as they navigate early adulthood. Guided by licensed mental health experts, our young adult retreat gives space to explore coping, integrate technology into self care and dive into topics that are meaningful such as navigating relationships as a young caregiver, college, workforce and even understanding the genetic component to ALS.
Did you know?
The US Surgeon General shared a report calling the decline in youth mental health the "crisis of our lifetime" and studies illustrate that young people with health conditions or family stressors are more at risk that their lesser impacted peers.
Evidence shows that programs that are trauma-informed and combine mental health, physical activity and real life tools not only have an immediate impact on young adults, but those benefits carry with them into adulthood.
Trauma Informed
Hope Loves Company prides itself on using tools rooted in best practices and trauma informed care. Our volunteers are trained in the basics of ALS and trauma in youth and our staff are comprised of qualified social workers, teachers and child life experts. Our trauma informed programming helps children understand how their bodies react to the stress of ALS while giving them tools, resources and support they need to work manage their ever changing needs on a daily basis.
Free To Attend
ALS has a significant impact on the family financially and often leads to loss of income and need to invest in caregiving tools, devices and home modifications that are unplanned for and often unfunded. We firmly believe that all families and children should have access to the support and resources they need, when they need it. As such our programs are free for all to attend and made possible through the generosity of our supporters. Leveling the financial playing field means all children have access at Hope Loves Company.
Technology Forward
Meeting young adults where they are and giving them tools that are meaningful is important to us. We know that young adults spend time in online spaces looking for resources and support and as such, our Young Adult retreat brings in cutting edge technology such as apps and virtual reality. Through a marriage of outside activities, connection and real-world tools, our young adults focus on wellness, self care and mental health so that when they return to their daily lives, they have the tools to remain steady, focused and hopeful.